Realtor's Guide to Success with Appraisers
Do these things when meeting an appraiser
Bring a dated list of improvements (i.e- Kitchen remodel 2017, Windows 2020, Exterior paint 2019.)
Open all interior doors and turn on all lights. Putting the property in its best light -literally- can make a difference.
If you bring a CMA or a packet of sales for the appraiser, make sure they are in the immediate area and include your own opinions about them; Things like: floorplan weirdness, quality of updating, and anything not mentioned on the MLS. We want YOUR opinion.
The neighbor's house is pending across the street, ask the agent for the contract price. In a changing market, this can be gold.
Physically point out the top three features that contributed to the sale. Emphasize non-traditional/unique elements. Focus on the big movers.
If the property received multiple offers, TELL US. How many and for what price.
These common errors can lead to C.A.R disciplinary actions,
NEVER request an order be canceled by a lender because you don’t like the appraiser or because it appears the house won’t appraise at the contract price. This is against the law.
Asking an appraiser if the property is going to “come in at sale price” is unethical. The appraiser can only talk about facts. All opinions (the final value, the adjustments, etc) are confidential.
Do not ask to send us photos after the inspection. The whole point of appraiser photo requirements is to provide unbiased confirmation for the lender. This includes smoke/co detectors.